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Why Use Wool ?

We believe that wool is one of nature’s miracles, giving us a fantastic fibre that is perfect for almost every txtile use


Synthetic yarns and textiles have become more popular and widespread mainly because of its lower cost.

But for people that are concerned with the true cost of synthetic textiles it is worth knowing why wool is much better choice for us, our families and environment.


Wool is such a great choice, it can be used for most textile recquirements, naturally regrows so is completely sustainable and is coompletly biodegradable. Even the worst parts are great for the garden, so nothing goes to waste .



-Wool Is grown over the year by the sheep, goats and rabbit who spend most of their time grazing the grass and wild plants around the farm

Historically treated if necessary with natural products from plants.


-Following some unfortunate experiences with shearers we now shear the animsl ourselves. This is quite a slow process but at least it isnt traumatic for them and we can sort out the fleaces as we go .


- Fleaces are sorted by hand into the different types and quality of fibres.


-Fibres are soaked in rain water or well-water for as long as possible.


- Fibres are gently washed in rainwater or well water heated on a rocket stove until all the dirt and grease is removed .


-They are then dried out in the fresh air


- Clean dry fibres are then opened (dyed is required) and blended by hand


- Opened fibres are carded into rubans or nappes or battes


- Carded fibres are felted or spun into yarn


-Now we can knit or weave with our finished yarn.

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